
”At Dump Runz we try hard to give you a firm quote before we show up. When you call, but aren’t sure which size dumpster bin or truck you’ll need, we’ll help you decide what size dumpster bin or truck you need, depending on whether you want to do the work or have us do it, and when you hang up, you’ll know pretty much what you’ll be paying.

Bins: We drop them off and you fill them. We’ll explain how to save money on dump fees by separating the contents and packing the bin correctly. This is the most cost effective way to get rid of junk, but it can be a lot of work.

Bin sizes: “concrete” bin, 17 yard bin, and 25 yard bin

Trucks: We show up, you point to the load, and we make it disappear. This option is for those who have potatoes to peel, an important sports game to watch, or the smarts to get someone else to do it. Sure it costs a bit more, but this way it’ll get done painlessly!

Truck sizes: pick up truck (Betsy), large truck (Big Brute), 17 yard truck (Kahuna), and 25 yard truck (Grand Kahuna)

Bins and trucks are both flat rate charges, with one important difference: With bins you pay the tipping fees the Lords of the Dump charge us, and with trucks we include the tipping fees (except for “special items”, which are added to the price). ”

Special items:

  • Tires (no rims) $7 (on rims) $35
  • Mattresses, box springs or hide-a-beds – $10 ea
  • Drywall – about $5/sheet (big loads of drywall will be charged what the dump charges us)
  • Shingles – same as drywall
  • Railway ties/landscaping wood with rebar or 6″+ nails – $3 ea
  • Paint cans/buckets – $2 ea ($5 minimum)

The prices below are premised on our ability to back directly up to the load. If we have to move items to the truck, enter a building, or break things up to fit, we charge a loading fee. That’ll be sorted out when you call us!


Truck Pricing

Trucks Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Action
Small Truck (Betsy) $199.00 $225.00 $270.00 $380.00 $380.00 + $3/KM ( Both Ways ) Book Now
Large Truck (Big Brute) $350.00 $390.00 $510.00 $650.00 $650.00 + $3/KM ( Both Ways ) Book Now
17 Yard Truck (Kahuna) $520.00 $580.00 $650.00 $750.00 $750.00 + $3/KM ( Both Ways ) Book Now
25 Yard Truck (Grand Kahuna) $640.00 $760.00 $960.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 + $3/KM ( Both Ways ) Book Now

Bin Pricing

Size in yards Dimensions Days Price (+GST) Extra days Monthly Action
Rock Bin 14’ X 7’ X 2’ Up to 3 $200 + Tipping $30 + GST $500 + GST Book Now
17 Yard Bin 14’ X 7’ X 4’ Up to 7 $210 + Tipping $35 + GST $500 + GST Book Now
25 Yard (Brush) 14’ X 7” X 6’ Up to 7 $245 + Tipping $40 + GST $550 + GST Book Now

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Our Service Areas

Please refer to our online pricing guide to see the pricing for your specific area.

Lumby Valley